Synopsis: In her strongest work to date, Lois Lowry once again creates a mysterious but plausible future world. It is a society ruled by savagery and deceit that shuns and discards the weak. Left orphaned and physically flawed, young Kira faces a frightening, uncertain future. Blessed with an almo...
Kira was born with a twisted leg and in her world, those born deformed do not belong. But Kira's mother, with the help of her Kira's grandfather, saved her and she has been able to live in the village along with her mother. But Kira is now orphaned. Her father died before she was born and she lost h...
I read The Giver for sixth grade english. I think I've picked it up once or twice since then and always enjoyed it. I meant to continue the series, or kinda series since they are referred to as more companion books than anything, but never did until now :) I didn't like this as much as The Giver...
I found out very quickly that you cannot read this as if it's a continuation of The Giver. It just doesn't work that way. While still a dystopian world, the characters, civilization, and pretty much everything is completely different. The environment is less developed (ie. never having taken a showe...
I very clearly remember not enjoying this when I was much younger, so finding that - to my slightly more grown-up self - it is, in fact, fantastic came as a little bit of a shock. I only re-read this because I had just read The Giver for the first time, and was desperate for some kind of answers in ...
Finally I managed to get my hands on this series that I have been pining after for a long time.Another new world within this world of the ‘Giver Series’ – they are poles apart. Different set of rules and different set of characters. However, this is equally enjoyable and interesting.I cannot decide ...
It's not nearly as tense as [b:The Giver|3636|The Giver (The Giver #1)|Lois Lowry||2543234]. A shame.
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