Gauging unmasked, which shews all the necessary rules in vulgar and decimal arithmetic; whith several contractions in both ... The whole designed for ... according to (217.6) the solid inches conta
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1812 Excerpt: ... that, is called the Second Radius, &c. remembering B to be the fourth Radius. To find...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1812 Excerpt: ... that, is called the Second Radius, &c. remembering B to be the fourth Radius. To find the Cube Root by the Sliding Rule. Place the Lines D and E exactly one by another, so that i O at the end of D, be even with To at the end of E; this done, against any Number upon E, you have the Cube Root thereof upon D, & coptr. Note ist, when the Number given confists of I, 4, or 7 Figures (being Integers) find it in the first Radius of the Line E, and against it you have the Cube Root sought. Example. Let the Number given be 337J, I seek this in the first Radius on the Line E, and against it I find 15 upon D, which is the Cube Root of 3357; and so is 212 the Cube Root of 9528128. 2dly, When the Number given confists of 2, 5, or 8 Integers, find it in the 2d Radius upon E, and against it is the Root sought. Exampll. Suppose 35.937 were propounded, find this in the 2d Radius on the Line E, and against it is 3.3 the Cube Root upon D: in like manner 275 the Cube Root of 20796875. dly, When the Number given confists of 3, 6, or 9 Integers, it must be sought in the Third Radius, Sec. for against it is the Cube Root: Thus against 125 in the Third Radius upon E, I find 5 the Cube Root; and so likewise is 888 the Cube Root ©f 700227072; i Lastly, To know how many Places of Integers must be in the Cube Root of any Number given. " " Put a Point under the place of Units in the Number given, then omitting 2, point every third Figure towards.the Lrft hand; then tell how many, for so many places of Integers must the Cube Root confist of. Oil THE ART OF GAUGING, BOTH IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE, Together with the Use of the lfotttg Jftule anb Cables. TO THE EXCISE OFFICERS OP IRELAND. tCrENTLEMEM, If the following directions prove useful to you, then have you am...
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