In the story, “Chicalito”, we follow a young man named Doug and his much younger brother Sebastian as they head off to the mall to overcome the boredom that sitting alone at home brings. Once there Sebastian heads immediately to the toy store to look at all of its riches, while Doug hangs out on...
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In the story, “Chicalito”, we follow a young man named Doug and his much younger brother Sebastian as they head off to the mall to overcome the boredom that sitting alone at home brings. Once there Sebastian heads immediately to the toy store to look at all of its riches, while Doug hangs out on the edge of the concourse just outside the entrance. It is at that moment that
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Format: Kindle Edition
Pages no: 511
Edition language: English
Gremlins meets Build-A-Bear in this whimsical tale of two teens taking care of younger kids who both want to build creatures at the new store at the mall. As you might expect, everything goes awry.I felt the narrative had a lot of voice, which was engaging at first. And the concept was certainly int...