George Carlin
Birth date: May 12, 1937
Died: June 22, 2008
George Carlin's Books
The perfect way to end a busy week.
While not being as entertaining as one of his YouTube videos, this book is relaxing in itself and helps you disconnect.
There's plenty of food for thought in Carlin's talks. That's why I never thought so much depended on his delivery, until I tried to read instead of watching.I just can't summon up the energy to finish this one.
Read full review at: Review: Napalm & Silly Putty by George Carlin, the comedy legend George Carlin was a legendary comedian. Even before I started getting into stand-up comedy, which was actually pretty recently, I was aware of him. So when I started reading this book I was curious to find out what...
This book, like Carlin's other title that I have read, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?, is simply a place for his stuff. Most of the stuff, in fact, that Carlin had floating around on Word Documents at the time he compiled this book seems to find its way between the covers of Brain Droppings. ...