This was my first book by Kate Atkinson and though clearly a capable writer, I was disappointed by the book, which seemed to me rather jumbled. The storyline, perhaps deliberately, is confusing and the characters forgettable, culminating in an uninteresting read. I know Atkinson has a very good repu...
Funny, a long commentary on the nature of fiction, a send up of post-modern literary criticism, and a mystery story with a surprising ending. Very good.
File this under DNF. I read half and it's about NOTHING. 14,000,000 characters all with zero personality. I'll give her one more try, but this book was a real stinker. Too many good ones to waste my time reading drivel.
Really fun and skewed. It was so weird, that I couldn't even tell if the really crappy binding was part of the ambiance of the book.Not for those who want a lite read. It requires some concentration to follow the multiple narratives.