Girl About Town
Harriet Evans (author)
9780007243839 (0007243839)
Edition language: English
The review on the front of this novel says it's "blissfully entertaining". Actually, no, it isn't. Kate is a self-obsessed ditherer and the hero, Mac, is an emotional abuser as far as I could see. I didn't much care for either of them.
This book wasn't as light as I thought it would be. We start off w Kate in NYC. We learn that she left her life in London, leaving behind a successful career, friends and boyfriend. The reader has no clue why she left, as the author transitions between past and present time. When we finally find out...
Excellent English Chick Lit -- Don't let the length of this book scare you, it is a great read. Kate is living in New York and avoiding something from her past life in London three years before. The flashbacks to her London life are well done to give you a feel for her previous carefree life and you...