Johanssonżs Global Marketing, 4/e utilizes a three-pronged framework to organize the discussion of how to conduct global business: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management. Johansson seeks to develop the varied skills a marketing manager needs to be successful in each of these tasks....
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Johanssonżs Global Marketing, 4/e utilizes a three-pronged framework to organize the discussion of how to conduct global business: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management. Johansson seeks to develop the varied skills a marketing manager needs to be successful in each of these tasks. The discussion progresses from how to market an existing product outside of the domestic market to how to develop a new product for specific local markets and then broadens the scope to discuss marketing.. and management topics from a global managerial perspective. Legal, regulatory, political, and cultural, issues are discussed as appropriate throughout the text. Excellent examples and cases, many of which are drawn from the authorżs rich international experience, help students move from concept to application. Most International Marketing books have 6-7 separate chapters up front that discuss the legal and regulatory, political, and cultural environments before they begin to discuss global market entry. Johansson presumes that the students have a basic appreciation of these environments and begins the market entry discussion after 3 introductory chapters. The orientation of this text is more managerial and less descriptive. This text is used both as the first course in the undergraduate level and in MBA level courses.The Effect of Technology and the Internet on Global Commerce: New coverage is introduced early in the text and then integrated throughout the text where appropriate so students experience how technology affects global marketing. |Revised Chapter 7. This chapter has been completely revised to have a more complete focus on understanding customers, consumers and B2B. The chapter explores how globalization has caused customers to be more sophisticated about products and services, introducing the increeasing necessity for in-depth market research. The chapter also explores how organizational and cultural factors affect buyer behavior.|New chapter: Chapter 11: Global Segmentation and Positioning. Discussion of target segmentation of products and services as it varies across countries. This chapter also covers how successful positioning requires careful analysis of how the local marketer might react to the entry of a global brand.|Updated Cases: Cases of varying length, sprinkled throughout the text, help the student apply concepts by studying real companies facing real global marketing issues and problems. Companies covered in these cases include: Illy, IKEA, and AOL. |Global Marketing Planning: This Appendix provides a planning tool for global marketing, spelling out the steps involved in deciding whether and how to globalize a product or service. The Appendix can also be used for student projects. |3-Pronged Organization: The foreign entry, local marketing, and global management structure helps organize the broad-ranging topics of global marketing. The "foreign entry" part deals in-depth with exporting, strategic alliances and other modes of market entry. In "local marketing" the perspective of the expatriate marketing manager is adopted, and deals with marketing in a number of different regions and countries. Finally, the "global management" part covers the standardization, coordination and localization issues involved in implementing global marketing, including segmentation and positioning strategies, the four Ps and the organizational implications.|Three Chapters on Local Marketing Abroad: The unique "Local Marketing" chapters (7-10) discuss strategies for entering both mature and new growth local markets. |Early Coverage of Globalization and Anti-globalization: The first chapter in the book is organized to present an accurate picture of what is happening in the global marketplace without overreacting to events, including coverage of the dark side of global business, especially relevant to recent events in the world.|Marketing Research and Planning: Students learn how to use secondary data to analyze countries and regions. They also learn how to step through the planning process for the decision about globalizing a particular product or service, and the kind of data needed to make a decision about entry and standardization.
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