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God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything - Community Reviews back

by Christopher Hitchens
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Tiny Library
Tiny Library rated it 12 years ago
Before I share my thoughts on this book, I should probably explain the viewpoint I read it from. When I said in the introduction that I am non-religious, I meant that I have never been exposed to religion personally at all - I was not baptised/christened and can count the times I have been to a pla...
Gregor Xane
Gregor Xane rated it 12 years ago
Funnier (and bitchier?) than I expected.
spocksbro rated it 12 years ago
One might fault Hitchens for using too broad a brush to condemn religion but his point is that any institution or belief – no matter how beneficent its dogma* – that demands that an individual surrender choice and freedom of conscience to an outside power for which there is no evidence is profound...
Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud
Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud rated it 13 years ago
Must cogitate before reviewing.
Marvin's Bookish Blog
Marvin's Bookish Blog rated it 13 years ago
Having some idea how Hitchens can be devastatingly blunt and having read some reviews of this book that criticized the author for that very thing, I expected this book to be a bit over the top. Instead I found it to be a delightfully frank look at religion and the case for reason above faith. Worthw...
Myrto rated it 13 years ago
I sort of enjoyed this book, and I sort of didn't.To preface my impressions of this book, I do agree with most of Hitchens' basic premises. I don't believe in God, and I do agree that religious fanaticism has resulted in plenty of damage to the human race. Unlike many other atheist writers, Hitchens...
Unimportant Musings
Unimportant Musings rated it 14 years ago
Rich in content, perhaps to a fault, yet also poor in coherency at places, borderline tangential, and sometimes tedious to get through. As an atheist, I didn't need much convincing that religion is ridiculous for the most part, but I much preferred Dawkins' The God Delusion, if only for its crystal ...
The Review Man
The Review Man rated it 14 years ago
I grew up in a very conservative Christian environment. The community culture was extremely right-wing: we never drank alcohol (going to a bar was probably on par with worshipping Satan), we never watched R-rated movies, we were taught that homosexuality was perverted, that evolution was a joke base...
jennifermcbride rated it 14 years ago
The title says it all. Amen Christopher Hitchens.
attempting obscurity
attempting obscurity rated it 14 years ago
This is a truly awesome book. Christopher Hitchens has a stunning (and somewhat intimidating) intellect, and he wields it beautifully here to write a book that is both incredibly well-researched, well-argued, and well-structured, but is at the same time accessible and readable without talking down t...
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