As a teen, Jennifer LeBlanc flees her rural hometown of Modock, Maine after the deaths of her parents and vows never to return. While attending Harvard Business School on a full scholarship, Jennifer meets and falls in love with Bradley Maderon, a financial genius who runs Boston’s largest hedge...
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As a teen, Jennifer LeBlanc flees her rural hometown of Modock, Maine after the deaths of her parents and vows never to return. While attending Harvard Business School on a full scholarship, Jennifer meets and falls in love with Bradley Maderon, a financial genius who runs Boston’s largest hedge fund. Jennifer becomes the CFO of Bradley’s empire, but when he is arrested and the government seizes all of their assets, Jennifer is forced to return to Maine and confront the trauma that she has repressed all of these years. With the help of her sister, Justine, Jennifer searches for a way to overcome her grief, learn to appreciate the gifts that life gives, and, perhaps, to find love.
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