A fictional story of a group of young, talented friends on a small town road cycling team, and their old-school directeur sportif with a chip on his shoulder upgrade to the professional level with the hope of saving their local bike shop, the team trains and races at their limits, and finds out...
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A fictional story of a group of young, talented friends on a small town road cycling team, and their old-school directeur sportif with a chip on his shoulder upgrade to the professional level with the hope of saving their local bike shop, the team trains and races at their limits, and finds out that being a professional bike racer involves more sacrifices than they were prepared to make.
Professional cycling is often thought of as an individual sport, but Going Pro shows the dynamics of an American amateur cycling team cutting its teeth on the domestic circuit. This is a high speed story of guts, determination, pain, and perseverance that takes place millimeters behind the wheels of the peloton. It is written with cyclists of all levels in mind whether you're a racer, roadie, triathlete, enthusiast, or a junior.
Pick it up for some winter training inspiration.
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