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Grant Morrison présente Batman, tome 6: Batman contre Robin - Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison présente Batman, tome 6: Batman contre Robin
by: (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9782365772587 (9782365772)
Publisher: Urban Comics
Pages no: 230
Edition language: French
Series: Batman and Robin Vol. I (#2)
Community Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews rated it
Batman takes Bruce Wayne's corpse to a Lazarus pit. Damian returns and he and Batman investigate clues to Bruce Wayne's whereabouts. But who is Oberon Sexton and why is Damian acting so strangely?Dick Grayson's run as Batman continues. He and Damian seem less like chumps in this one but Bruce Way...
sixthreezy readsies
sixthreezy readsies rated it
5.0 Batman vs. Robin (Batman & Robin)
Big ups to Justyn R. for knowing that these Batman comics were exactly what I'd love in a Batman comic. I am forever in your debt!
Sesana rated it
Batman vs. Robin picks up right where the previous volume of Batman and Robin had left off. The first half deals with Dick's attempt to raise Bruce from the dead in a Lazarus pit. It goes about as well as you might expect. This storyline I really liked. Dick would absolutely go that far to save Bruc...
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