I absolutely agree that Dorian was the one who wins for biggest fail because of his blind devotion to follow another person without ever fully questioning anything.
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I finished. My feeling are mixed, but I liked the book more than I'd expected to, even with the douchey characters and extreme posturing. The more recent movie (with Ben Barnes) played up the hedonism quite a bit more than the book did, since you were curious about that, Petra. I think the end w...
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Oh, and sorry for the above post errors/grammar issues. I'm not seeing the edit button, only delete. I will say that there have already been several quotable moments, and even a few quotes I've seen others use before, which I didn't realize came from this book.
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Chapter 2 Didn't get a chance to start until this morning but now that I've started. It's going faster than anticipated. Petra, I felt the same way about Dorian. His "temper tantrum" had me do a double take. I understand the feeling of despair when you realize that your youth is on its way out the...
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Do spoiler tags work in group conversations, in case people are at different places in the book and don't want to be spoiled further ahead than they've read?
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I won't be able to start this for a few days, but I"ll try to catch up if need be, depending on how fast you read.
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*edit* went back for my shortened profile name. I'm Stacia in one form or another on both sites. https://www.goodreads.com/Stacia_R
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Hi everyone. :) I'm Stacia here and on GR (in one form or another, my tag changes slightly from time to time). I'm glad to see another place to gather where we can inform ourselves of what the newest mess is, so we don't step in it.
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