Well, yes, both of Einstein's theories of relativity allow for ways to "time travel" into the future; you can measure the effect on a jet-liner these days!
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No novels, just a part of Dandelion Wine and the short story A Sound of Thunder. Possibly other short stories but I can't remember any off hand.
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It's always fun when you finally track down a copy of that elusive book you've been searching for for years, isn't it?
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Possibly the weirdest and yet most plausible time machine I've come across appears in Ray Bradbury's novel Dandelion Wine, which is a great read.
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Some-one else said they'd had a hard time finding Wyndham books; is this a north America thing? 'Cos he's well known and readily available in the UK - at least his major novels are.
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The Seeds of Time, John Wyndham, has two time-travel stories (so far as I've got) and the second of them has an amusing and original take on it, but surely the time-travel short story is Ray Bradbury's A Sound of Thunder - the original Butterfly Effect story.
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I thought the 1st was miles better than the 3rd because the 3rd was too much Amory and not enough Polar Bear...not that I like cats more than humans or anything...
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There's a "reply" button on each post. Hit that for the comment you want to reply to and a comment box appears. Weirdly, I've read the 1st and 3rd installments of Polar Bear's adventures but not the 2nd.
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