Just to clarify, if BookLikes is supported by Amazon anyway, and while I am not able to find an independent place to interact with book lovers, I might as well stay with GoodReads as they have all the things (and more) that I want in such a site. This is a decision made due to my own situation; how...
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I have been very undecided about this. Although personally not affected by GR's latest policy, I do like to see people treated fairly and therefore have thought about supporting this exodus. However, I have now made my mind up, for two reasons. Firstly, Book Depository is also owned by Amazon, th...
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Hi Do you know if groups on BookLikes will be able to set up group reads, challenges etc? One of the things I like about Goodreads is going to a group's page and seeing what is under their 'currently reading' section. Then discussing the book(s) once read, of course!
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