Harry Potter ve Zümrüdüanka Yoldaşlığı
Hogwarts Cadilik ve Büyücülük Okulu'ndaki besinci yilinda Harry, hayatini cehenneme çeviren sihirli/sihirsiz pek çok seyle basa çikmak zorunda: Yaz tatilini yanlarinda harcadigi aptal akrabalari; beklenmedik bir anda ve yerde karsisina çikan Ruh Emici'ler; ergenlik çaginin isyanlari, heyecanlari,...
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Hogwarts Cadilik ve Büyücülük Okulu'ndaki besinci yilinda Harry, hayatini cehenneme çeviren sihirli/sihirsiz pek çok seyle basa çikmak zorunda: Yaz tatilini yanlarinda harcadigi aptal akrabalari; beklenmedik bir anda ve yerde karsisina çikan Ruh Emici'ler; ergenlik çaginin isyanlari, heyecanlari, korkulari; onun gösteris düskünü bir yalanci oldugunu düsünenler; okulun isleyisine burnunu sokmaya çalisan Sihir Bakanligi; gelmis geçmis en berbat Karanlik Sanatlara Karsi Savunma ögretmeni; agir dersler, zor sinavlar, acimasiz cezalar; sürekli yinelenen bir kâbus ve aciyan yara izi; ona en yakin insanlardan birinin ölümü; bes yil gecikmeyle ögrendigi bir gerçek... Dizinin ilk dört kitabinda gözlerimizin önünde adeta etten kemikten bir büyülü dünya kuran J. K. Rowling, yaraticiligiyla yine basrolde: Satirlara ve satir aralarina serpistirilmis zekice ayrintilar, olay örgüsünü daha da zenginlestiriyor ve büyülü dünyaya yeni renkler katiyor. Bu sürükleyici kitabi elinizden birakamayip kalinligiyla ters orantili hizda okuyacak ve tipki Harry gibi bir sonraki okul yilini iple çekerek Hogwarts'tan ayrilacaksiniz.
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9789750806452 (975080645X)
Publish date: September 2003
Publisher: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
Pages no: 114
Edition language: Turkish
Series: Harry Potter (#5)
Loving my re-read (listening) to the entire Harry Potter series. I guess I've seen the movies more recently so I've forgotten some details of the books. I love rediscovering things as I read. I'll be moving on to book 6 after a bit of a break. :)
This has always been my least favorite Harry Potter novel. There are several examples of bad decisions made throughout the series but the bulk of those bad decisions come in this book. Bad decisions were made by everyone but none more than Dumbledore. We don't see much of him in this novel but the b...
Harry Potter, Book 5 Re-Read:January 29 - February 5These stories do not grow stale with age. Seriously they are still amazing. Jim Dale’s narration is so good. I can already see myself doing another reread.
I´ve been listening to this audiobook since November and I finally finished it. It was a reading experience that I didn´t particularly enjoy. Stephen Fry´s narration is amazing, the story in itself is not and the only thing that saved this book from a worse rating is the narration. My main proble...
This has got to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest book I have ever read.It's gigantic.You would think it would be daunting but actually, while it took me forever and a day to complete, it flowed so well that I always had a hard time putting it down. Life just got in the way for me, not the b...