Hate Fuck: Part Three
Ainsley Booth (author)
Hailey:In the blink of an eye, everything changed, and I can’t pretend I don’t need Cole anymore.He’s my heart and soul, but he’s shut me out, and I’m scared.Cole:Keeping Hailey at arms’ length used to be an annoying challenge. Now it’s a matter of life and death.I want vengeance. And then I want...
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Hailey:In the blink of an eye, everything changed, and I can’t pretend I don’t need Cole anymore.He’s my heart and soul, but he’s shut me out, and I’m scared.Cole:Keeping Hailey at arms’ length used to be an annoying challenge. Now it’s a matter of life and death.I want vengeance. And then I want Hailey to be mine, forever.Final part of the three book Hate F*@k serial. NOT
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Publisher: Ainsley Booth
Edition language: English
Hate Fuck: Part Three The Characters Cole Hailey The Story ”A bad boy can be so very good. A good girl can get really dirty. And two lonely people who find each other can finally be happy.” This quote sums up this book so well. Cole is so so good to Hailey. Hailey has woken up and found what she n...
3,5 Stars.A good conclusion for a fairly decent first series. I had in general a good time with this particular story from the beginning till the end and i'm happy to say every new part is better than the previous one. The series won't end here, but this installment is in fact the last one with Cole...
This should come with a warning... SLIPPERY WHEN WET!!!“I need to worship you first.”“Damn straight. I double-dog-dare you to make me swoon with your filthy ways.” “A hard fuck is an acceptable form of worship in the Religion of Hailey.”“A bad boy can be so very good.A good girl can get really dirty...
Hailey is ready to admit after tragedy strikes, that she understands Cole's job and what he does much more. She saw first hand the lives it can save and what the bad guys get away with if there is no one there to contain them. Cole has decided he is ready to take out this threat - then he wants t...