Medical Science calls him a Psychopath. Women call him, “the one I will never forget”. Aaron Stein is the quintessential gentleman. Behind the benevolent façade, however, hides a monster: a lapsed Catholic, virulent hater of all religious beliefs, and a destroyer of souls who lusts after power...
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Medical Science calls him a Psychopath. Women call him, “the one I will never forget”.
Aaron Stein is the quintessential gentleman. Behind the benevolent façade, however, hides a monster: a lapsed Catholic, virulent hater of all religious beliefs, and a destroyer of souls who lusts after power and control. Aaron plays his ruse again and again with unsuspecting women who genuinely believe that they have met their new best friend, their soul mate. Covert hypnosis, edgy trysts, psychological warfare - they’re all part of the game he plays “to have all the power”.
But the Magic of Illusion slips out of his reach, and suddenly his secret life is threatened by a series of events he never expected. Will his devoted cousin, Constance, succeed in protecting him, just as she has throughout his entire life? And what exactly is
it that she does to protect him? Is she a murderer, or is she simply devoted to him? Are they merely cousins (possibly, once, long ago, lovers), or are they both something else entirely? Did Aaron learn his evil ways from her, or is he really the incarnation of Evil? In the end, these answers will make no difference in the lives of the women who, each in turn, are charmed into becoming his victims.
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