In a fantastical world where old traditions and religion dominate every aspect of life, lives a girl named Henni. Unlike most in her village, Henni questions and wonders what the world is like as she comes of age. Striking out on her own, Henni goes out in search of truth, adventure, and more!...
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In a fantastical world where old traditions and religion dominate every aspect of life, lives a girl named Henni. Unlike most in her village, Henni questions and wonders what the world is like as she comes of age. Striking out on her own, Henni goes out in search of truth, adventure, and more! Written and drawn by Miss Lasko-Gross (A Mess of Everything and Escape From Spec
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Format: Paperback
9781940878027 (1940878020)
Pages no: 168
Edition language: English
Depicts the process of breaking away from a fundamentalist upbringing with all the subtlety of a crayon drawing. The characters, even Henni, are one-dimensional, the plot is a string of atrocities and absurdities committed by ee-vile fundamentalists, and it's all laid out in some of the worst, most...
I've enjoyed Lasko-Gross' memoirs, Escape from Special and A Mess of Everything, so when I saw this new fictional graphic novel available from the library I knew I had to pick it up. Henni, is about a girl being raised in a strict society that does not encourage questions. Henni has questions. S...
This review can be found in its entirety on my blog:Reckless Indulgence | of the Written WordDahahaha… Oh dear sweet gods. This book is GREAT. The art style took awhile to grow on me, but the story is phenomenal and the characters wonderful.I’m particularly lovin’ that field guy who marked Henni wit...