Henry Beard
Birth date: 1945-01-01
Henry Beard's Books
I needed this today - I needed to laugh, and between this small gem and watching Easter-cat trying to creatively bath herself while wedged at an odd angle between pillows on the bed (SO wish I had my camera), I felt lighter this afternoon than I did this morning. (The Cubs winning the world series ...
— A cute and entertaining look at that most amusing genre, satirical cat poetry. I can’t say that I liked all of the poems, but they were mostly entertaining, and I needed something light and amusing to read. I did like this better than Zen of Cats, so I might have to go back and adjust my rating ...
This is a super-quick, fun read for cat owners or cat lovers. If you’re a dog person, you may not appreciate the “Things Having a Dog Nature (Bao-wao)” list.
It is a dictionary, so, do not expect stories or jokes about skiing.But, you can expect inventive and entertaining definitions for the usually confusing ski-terminology.I like it. It is creative and funny.