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Het verleden spreekt - Dennis Lehane
Het verleden spreekt
by: (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789044328004
Publisher: The House of Books
Pages no: 317
Edition language: Dutch
Series: Kenzie & Gennaro -5 included (#6)
Community Reviews
Cynically Speaking
Cynically Speaking rated it
And that concludes my reading of all six of Dennis Lehane's 'Kenzie and Gennaro' series. I do not think there will be a seventh; though as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle showed us not even death can prevent a detective series from continuing. There is no question that Mr. Lehane can write and create gre...
It's a Mad Mad World
It's a Mad Mad World rated it
3.5 Moonlight Mile
This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend, the end – The Doors So here we are, the last Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro book published. And by the tone in this book I would say that Lehane has written the last book about the couple. Yes I know Patrick shows up in FaceOff ...
A Few Thoughts
A Few Thoughts rated it
2.0 Moonlight Mile
I just couldn't get into this one. The plot isn't terrible, but it just feels like Lehane is tired of these characters and it shows in the writing. Not terrible, but you won't be missing anything by skipping it.
Born to be Bookahoilc :D
Born to be Bookahoilc :D rated it
*Premessa*Chi é Dennis Lehane?Dennis Lehane è uno scrittore di thriller cazzutissimo e bravissimo, che meriterebbe grande visibilità ma che invece, almeno qui in Italia, è oscurato da altri 'talenti' ed è un autore abbastanza di nicchia.O meglio, ha fatto la sua fortuna con opere meravigliose come "...
Imagine That
Imagine That rated it
So I picked this up at my local superstore. Bargain bin…. $3 hard cover; Dennis Lehane why not? I had read Shutter Island and liked it. And so it was that I even started reading this, sans knowledge, until a nagging familiarity prevailed and I realized this was the sequel to Gone,Baby,Gone. Nev...
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