J2 Fanfic.. Jared has always gotten his regular omega checkups, and he takes his inhibitors like clockwork. He's devoted to his friends and his family, but he's passionate about archeology and dedicated to his career. He's got neither time nor interest for a romantic relationship, much less a...
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J2 Fanfic..
Jared has always gotten his regular omega checkups, and he takes his inhibitors like clockwork. He's devoted to his friends and his family, but he's passionate about archeology and dedicated to his career. He's got neither time nor interest for a romantic relationship, much less a mate, and he definitely doesn't want kids. He's working as TA for Dr. Omundson, head of Knox University's archeology department, while he finishes his Master's degree. Jared jumped at the chance to join the dig, but omegas in Rirajistan are rigidly traditional, so Jared agrees to wear Omundson's collar while in-country. The collar is just the visible sign that Jared's under the Doc's protection and responsibility.
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Art by chomaisky
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