Latest update: A "RESOURCE SECTION" has now been added with two additional chapters: "How to Circular Breath," and "My Super Secret Trick for Playing a Double High C." You can also see a new You Tube video of the author playing a double C (and higher) here: A...
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Latest update: A "RESOURCE SECTION" has now been added with two additional chapters: "How to Circular Breath," and "My Super Secret Trick for Playing a Double High C." You can also see a new You Tube video of the author playing a double C (and higher) here:
A YouTube video demonstration of the "Primary Exercise" may be seen here:
Within only a few days of serious exercise during his daily commute, a top principal trumpeter for a major European orchestra reports that his chops are in "the best shape of my life," and that his colleagues are complementing him on his tone, range and endurance.
Other reviews and comments offer further evidence of success. Part-time players report full time chops! This technique allows you to achieve in only minutes what would normally require many hours of practice time in terms of muscle development of the embouchure.
In a revolutionary new approach to improving performance on wind instruments, author David Boe unveils unique set of exercises that allow musicians to strengthen the facial muscles involved with playing a wind instrument.
Combining the latest scientific research on muscle development with decades of personal experience and observation, Mr. Boe has devised a completely original method that has proven tremendously beneficial to players at all levels, including the highest level professional performers.
This is the first and only method book by a musician, written specifically FOR musicians, to exclusively focus on the benefits of muscle development of the embouchure without using an instrument or mouthpiece.
The exercises described are especially useful because they can be completed without any additional tools or objects and are performed in complete silence. When added to a musician's regular practice routine, the exercises can save significant amounts of time by making precious hours of practice time much more productive.
Enhanced muscle strength of the embouchure has been shown to yield tremendous benefits in several areas of particular interest to wind musicians, especially players of brass instruments. Many players report significant improvements in RANGE, ENDURANCE and FLEXIBILITY, with further improvements in TONE QUALITY and overall sound production.
This small ebook costs only a fraction of what you would pay for a lesson from a top professional, and you can easily read it in less than an hour. Yet it has the potential to revolutionize your playing as a professional, student, or amateur musician.
Also available as an audio book! Superbly voiced by the talented and versatile KC Cowan, you can now listen to How To Improve Your Chops in the excellent audio edition, available through Amazon's site. Here's a link:
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