How to Procrastinate ... Like a Pro!: 101 of the Most Deadly Procrastination Techniques
How to Procrastinate … Like a Pro! Unlike the countless ‘How to Stop Procrastinating’ books on Amazon, which talk about time management skills and seemingly obvious procrastination cures, this book takes a different approach by pointing out to you 101 of the Most Deadly Procrastination Techniques...
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How to Procrastinate … Like a Pro!
Unlike the countless ‘How to Stop Procrastinating’ books on Amazon, which talk about time management skills and seemingly obvious procrastination cures, this book takes a different approach by pointing out to you 101 of the Most Deadly Procrastination Techniques so that you can identify your own procrastination habits and overcome them.
People say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so here you go: I’m helping you with that all-important first step. Right now, you probably don’t even know all your forms of procrastination, so how could you possibly learn how to stop procrastinating? (With this book, that’s how!)
And, come on, can you really resist a book with chapter headings like TEA-WEE HERMAN, PROCRASTURBATE, and LORD OF THE CARBS? I didn’t think so.
From the Introduction:
This book is nasty—nahsty, nahsty, naaaahsty! It’s blunt, mean-spirited, sarcastic, possibly humorous (but more likely offensive), and it will make you hang your head in shame when you realise how guilty you are of these top procrastination techniques.
Is this book for you? Well, are you a procrastinator? Do you have something important to complete, but you just can’t bring yourself to work on it? Got a book to write? An essay? A work project to hand in? A painting to paint? A symphony to compose? A garden to landscape? ANYTHING to complete that you just keep avoiding? Then, yeah, this book is for you.
So if you are, indeed, a procrastinator, then you should use this book to shame yourself into action! If you’re not, then gift this book to the lazy (expletive!) in your life who needs to get on with their work. If you’re an uptight crybaby who’s easily offended and doesn’t like swear words, then STOP READING NOW. And if you’re a total weirdo who wants to take the title of this book seriously, then by all means, use this tremendous little bible to become a Professional Procrastinator like me.
Basically, read this book with a light heart and a twisted sense of humour and you’ll have some fun, I hope. More importantly, it could highlight some of your own time-wasting habits, and enable you to let them go.
A note about the content: I’m a writer, so some of the points in this book may seem geared towards writing, but this book is for anyone who has important work to do and just can’t seem to bring themselves to do it. Creative sorts will especially recognise these deadly forms of procrastination. So, let’s get to it: let us begin shaming you time-wasters into slaying your procrastination demons and getting back to work!
How to Procrastinate like a Pro! eBook Categories:
- Procrastination self help
- Procrastination
- Procrastination habits
- Procrastination cure
- Time management
- Stop procrastinating
- How to stop procrastinating
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