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I figli degli uomini - Valentina Guani, Annamaria Biavasco, P.D. James
I figli degli uomini
by: (author) (author) (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788804471943 (8804471948)
Publisher: Mondadori
Pages no: 316
Edition language: Italian
Science Fiction
Community Reviews
The better to see you, my dear
The better to see you, my dear rated it
3.5 Different focus
I'm needing a "slow" shelf. Despite a lot happening, this one felt like it was double the length. I'm torn. It's not a bad book. There is a thread of danger imminent running through the whole story, a masterful presentation of a world gone to waste in apathy, and many interesting commentaries on s...
Book Ramblings
Book Ramblings rated it
5.0 The Children of Men
Ugh! I don't like the cover of this book (the one showing on this page). Don't get me wrong, I like Clive Owen, and the 2006 movie is not too shabby but it does not have much to do with the original text apart from the basic premise; and Theo the protagonist of the movie is the polar opposite of the...
shell pebble
shell pebble rated it
3.5 Second coming?
I was inspired to read this after watching the film, which at the time I thought was extremely powerful and underrated. It didn't have the religious aspect of the book, which put me off the latter somewhat. I actually found this quite disappointing. It's a great idea and has excellent characters, bu...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it
3.0 The Children of Men
It's been made into a movie, and I haven't seen that but curiousity after seeing the ads for it made me hunt it down. It's a story about what happens when people stop having children, the reaction of the government and the reaction of people to the issue. Told from the point of view of the step-br...
I only read when my OCD kicks in
I only read when my OCD kicks in rated it
4.0 The Children of Men
Interesting book and one in which the dystopian society actually finds some sense of hope. The book is somewhat similar to the movie but the ending is completely different. The characters are likable, believable, and for a dystopia type setting you get a real sense that something like this could act...
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Books by Annamaria Biavasco
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