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Chevy Stevens (author)
Format: paperback
Publish date: May 2013
Publisher: Cargo
Pages no: 384
Edition language: Dutch
Produktinformation Als die Psychotherapeutin Nadine eine junge Patientin behandelt, die aus einer Sekte geflüchtet ist, muss sie sich ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit stellen: Sie hat als Kind selbst in der "Fluss des Lebens"-Community gelebt. Was ist damals Furchtbares passiert? Und was hat die Sekte mi...
Psychologie ist schon lange eines meiner Steckenpferde. Der menschliche Geist, die menschliche Seele faszinieren mich. Abnorme Psychologie, Schutzmechanismen, Manipulation – ist es nicht unglaublich, was unser Geist alles leisten und in welche Richtung er sich entwickeln kann? Sekten sind in diesem ...
By Chevy Stevens ISBN13: 9781441843968 Publisher: Brillance Audio Published Date: June 13, 2013 Format: Audio My Rating: 4 Stars It has been a while since I have read (or listened) to anything by Chevy Stevens, having read STILL MISSING and NEVER KNOWING, years ago - all thrillers!. ALWAYS WA...
Always Watching was a pretty intriguing book. I did think it was a little long, but overall I enjoyed it. I liked Nadine's character. She isn't perfect and has seen her share of heartache. She is a widow and her daughter is an addict who lives on the streets. But she is a good psychiatrist. Wh...
What can I say about this book? HMMMMMM, I enjoyed her book [b:Still Missing|7159515|Still Missing|Chevy Stevens|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1260468195s/7159515.jpg|7383770] and thought that it was very well done. This one seemed to missing something.This is the story of a woman that lived in a c...