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Im Westen nicht Neues - Erich Maria Remarque
Im Westen nicht Neues
by: (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9783598800382 (359880038X)
Publisher: Saur
Pages no: 265
Edition language: Deutsch
Community Reviews
Sheila's Reads
Sheila's Reads rated it
5.0 ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT by Erich Maria Remarque
Wow! When I first read this in my freshman year of high school I hated it. Now what a story! The prose is so beautiful and powerful. I liked the first person point-of-view through Paul's eyes. I also like the stream of consciousness of Paul's thoughts on the war and war in general. He was so r...
What I am reading
What I am reading rated it
4.0 A lot is going on at the Western Front
This was tough, but, unlike the war itself, absolutely worth it. Normally I can take a lot of gore and cruelness in books and in movies, but there were days when I just couldn’t read more than a couple of pages, because it was too much. Especially all scenes involving animals deeply upset me, beca...
twostoryhouse rated it
5.0 All Quiet on the Western Front
One of the most powerful books I've read. This one is going to stick with me for awhile.
Read All The Things! Reviews
Read All The Things! Reviews rated it
3.5 All Quiet On The Western Front
This review is of the English translation of a German book. Well, that was depressing. I’ve been on a lifelong quest to find the most depressing book in the history of books, and this one has been recommended to me many, many times. I’m not convinced that it’s the most depressing book ever, but it...
The Symmetrical Bookworm
The Symmetrical Bookworm rated it
Hmm...I don't know what to say about this one. I actually have no strong feelings about it. I thought it shed some interesting insight into the events of World War 1. And I appreciate that. Here's the problem, though: a lot of sad things happen, and people die. But I felt no attachment for these...
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