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Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney - Community Reviews back

by Howard Zinn, Dennis Loo, Peter Phillips
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KOMET rated it 12 years ago
Simply put, "[b:A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present|2767|A People's History of the United States 1492 to Present|Howard Zinn|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348900509s/2767.jpg|2185591]" (1995 edition) is one of the most eye-opening, fascinating, and thought-provoking books of it...
Datepalm rated it 12 years ago
Well, that was...that. Theres not much to complain about, certainly. Well written, well structured, an indispensable array of Things To Know. As a broader political argument though, theres something there that bugs me a bit. Something a bit tepid and disengaged. Like if we could just make all the ba...
Readings and Ramblings
Readings and Ramblings rated it 13 years ago
I would love to see this book used as an American history textbook. It should be in every high school in America. If you look at the textbooks that are actually used you will see that they are histories of the rulers. They are histories of a small minority who make decisions for the vast majority an...
TheBecks rated it 14 years ago
3.5 stars. (Review of audio version only as it is different from the book.)I enjoyed this quite a bit. I found a lot of it to be interesting, and I really enjoyed the personal perspectives shown in the book through statements and interviews, etc. This doesn't show the US through rose-colored glasses...
wallerdc rated it 15 years ago
Three things:1. I hate Christopher Columbus!2. Zinn is obviously a socialist3. The book is eye-opening and simply amazing.
Readundant rated it 15 years ago
The winners write the history. Howard Zinn writes what happened to the other guy. The chapters on the civil rights movement were most engrossing.
InWonderlnd rated it 16 years ago
I found a few parts slow, but mostly it was an engaging read. A book I'd read again. 4.5 stars
amandawallwin rated it 17 years ago
i read this every year.
DanAllosso rated it 20 years ago
In spite of having gone and got a PhD in history (nearly), this is still one of my favorites, and clearly as influential as Charles & Mary Beard were in their day.
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