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In the Country of the Blind: A Novel - Edward Hoagland
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In the Country of the Blind: A Novel
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Sixty years after the publication of his first novel, Cat Man, Edward Hogland is publishing his twenty-fifth book at the age of eighty-three. This capstone novel, set in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, introduces Press, a stockbroker going blind. Press has lost his job and his wife and is trying to... show more
Sixty years after the publication of his first novel, Cat Man, Edward Hogland is publishing his twenty-fifth book at the age of eighty-three. This capstone novel, set in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, introduces Press, a stockbroker going blind. Press has lost his job and his wife and is trying to figure out his next move, holed up in his Vermont cabin surrounded by a hippy
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Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781628727210 (1628727217)
Publisher: Arcade Publishing
Pages no: 204
Edition language: English
Books by Edward Hoagland
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