Inri Oder Die Reise Mit Der Zeitmaschine Roman
9783492286183 (3492286186)
Publish date: 2007
Publisher: Piper
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Karl Glogauer
Not a bad story, although the truly religious may want to tread with caution.
«The madman, the prophet, Karl Glogauer, the time-traveler, the neurotic psychiatrist manque, the searcher for meaning, the masochist, the man with a death-wish' and the messiah-complex, the anachronism, made his way into the synagogue gasping for breath. He had seen the man he had sought. He had se...
I love subversive art, although this is probably a lot less shocking and subversive now - inundated as we are by graphic and potentially offensive content available at the merest keystroke - than it was when it was first published. Indeed, judging by online reviews, it seems that one of the more com...
I read the original novella version that won the Nebula. It was great. Oops! That time travel can get a person into a lot of trouble.
This was a re-read of one of my favorite science fiction novels. It's been a while so I forgot a lot. This re-read did not disappoint me. Moorcock's seminal time travel novel is part theological inquiry and part psychological novel. The plot is about a man who goes back in time to discover the real ...