The high adventure of James Rollins combines with the gripping suspense of Scott Sigler in this second installment in the Jack Sigler Thriller A genetic disease known as Brugada Syndrome kills its victims without warning, without symptom. When the President of the United States falls victim to a...
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The high adventure of James Rollins combines with the gripping suspense of Scott Sigler in this second installment in the Jack Sigler Thriller A genetic disease known as Brugada Syndrome kills its victims without warning, without symptom. When the President of the United States falls victim to a weaponized and contagious strain of the disease, the Chess Team—King, Queen, Rook, Knight and Bishop—are assigned to protect Sara Fogg, a CDC detective, as she journeys to the source of the new strain: the Annamite Mountains in Vietnam. Surrounded by Vietnam War era landmines, harsh terrain and more than one military force not happy about the return of American boots to the Ho Chi Minh trail, the fight for survival becomes a grueling battle in the humid jungle. Pursued by VPLA Death Volunteers, Vietnam’s Special Forces unit, the team’s flight through a maze of archaic ruins reveals an ancient secret...a primal secret that may stop the disease from sweeping the globe—even as it threatens both the mission and their lives.
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Format: hardcover
9780312540296 (0312540299)
Publish date: April 13th 2010
Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books
Pages no: 368
Edition language: English
Science Fiction,
Series: Chess Team Adventure (#2)
and I quote "they'd been caught with their pants down in a subterranean necropolis by a horde of superhuman she things" ... enough said!