Iris Schreier's Reversible Knits: Creative Techniques for Knitting Both Sides Right
For me, the design has to be that both sides are beautiful and balanced . . . If both knitted sides are similaror even completely different from each otherthe piece is reversible in a way that much, if not most, knitwear is not. Either side can be public. Iris...
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For me, the design has to be that both sides are beautiful and balanced . . . If both knitted sides are similaror even completely different from each otherthe piece is reversible in a way that much, if not most, knitwear is not. Either side can be public. Iris Schreier What a winning combination: celebrated author Iris Schreier, 24 exquisite projects, and dozens of in-demand techniques that result in garments that look great on both sides. Using knit/purl, two-color, double knitting, cable, lace, and modular knitting methods, Iris creates beautiful shrugs, shawls, scarves, throws, hats, socks, and more. Some of the items actually have different looks on the front and back while others simply show the same clean, finished fabric throughout. Iris walks novices through all the essentials, then shares modern adaptations of classic stitches, illuminated by photos of hand-knitted swatches. As a bonus, there’s a super-handy yarn substitution chart and an appendix with extra variations for advanced knitters. Knitters of all skill levels can now achieve true “revers-atility”!
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