Is He Cheating? Whether it be a cheating husband or boyfriend, the moment it dawns on you, that your lover has been unfaithful, is devastatingly emotional. It may even make you feel physically sick. A myriad of unanswered questions accompany the crushing sense of betrayal that you are...
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Is He Cheating?
Whether it be a cheating husband or boyfriend, the moment it dawns on you, that your lover has been unfaithful, is devastatingly emotional. It may even make you feel physically sick. A myriad of unanswered questions accompany the crushing sense of betrayal that you are experiencing:
'Who is she?'
'How long has it been going on?'
'Who else knows?'
'What is going to happen to me and the kids?'
Your world has fallen apart.
Cheating in marriage can be particularly distressing as there are often significant financial implications to ponder, when considering the merits of a divorce.
But it doesn't have to be like this...
If your partner has been cheating on you, then this moment of realization will inevitably occur. It is entirely your decision whether or not you choose to ignore the signs of his continued infidelity.
Bad things's a fact of life. There will always be actions and events that you are powerless to control. Nonetheless, you do have the power to influence how you react to these situations. You can choose to be a victim of your circumstances, or you can choose to be a survivor. The choice is yours.
Wouldn't you much prefer to have the opportunity to save your marriage, rather than let some stranger snatch it away from you?
Are you really prepared to hand control of your future happiness and financial security to a third party?
Ask yourself, what right does SHE have to interfere in your marriage and influence how you and your children will live the rest of your lives?
You need to uncover the truth and you need to take control of the's time to fight back!
In order to do this, you must be able to recognize the signs of an adulterous affair.
How To Spot The Tell-Tale Signs Of Infidelity
Unearthing evidence that your partner has been cheating is not always easy. Not all men roll in late at night, reeking of perfume and with scarlet red lipstick stains on their shirt collar.
Fortunately for you, no matter how good a liar he thinks he is, or how well he believes that he has covered his tracks, there will always be tell-tale signs of an illicit affair. You just need to know what to look out for.
Is he spending less time at home?
Is he less affection towards you?
Is there no 'sexy time' in the bedroom anymore?
Is he turning up with lavish gifts and flowers?
Is he prone to mood swings?
Are there lots of unexplained absences?
Are his friends avoiding you or behaving strangely?
Is the passenger seat of the car in a different position to where you left it?
Having said this, the biggest mistake that you could make, is to tackle your cheating spouse, before you have gathered enough evidence to confirm your suspicions. Is He Cheating? will help guide you through this. You will discover how his body language, behavior and lies are constantly giving him away.
WARNING! Do not confront him, without having sufficient proof of his cheating! It may irreparably damage your relationship and make matters far worse than they already are. If your allegations are unfounded, it will also serve to make you look insecure and paranoid. A cheating mate is an accomplished liar and you must be certain of your facts.
You must read Is He Cheating? and learn how to spot the tell-tale signs of infidelity. It could save your relationship!
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