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Angel Edits - Blog
Angel Edits - Blog rated it 10 years ago
[bc:Fall with Me|20980781|Fall with Me (Wait for You, #4)|J. Lynn|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1427119705s/20980781.jpg|40358009] March 31, 2015 Fall With Me
BeatesLovelyBooks rated it 10 years ago
Titel: trust in me Serie: Wait for you Band 3 Autorin: J. Lynn Verlag: Piper Verlag Erschienen: Juli 2014 Seitenzahl: 304 Seiten Ausgabe: Taschenbuch, Kartoniert ISBN: 978-3-492-30572-3 Preis: 9,99 Euro [Print] 8,99 Euro [E-Book] Leseprobe (Quelle: Piper Verlag) Amazon Klappentext...
Shygirl: Reading After Midnight
Shygirl: Reading After Midnight rated it 10 years ago
Stay With Me was a fast-paced New Adult novel filled with drama, new love, humor, some angst, and more drama. I loved every moment I spent getting to know Calla and Jax. “I fell for you before you even knew my name.” I am a huge fan of J. Lynn’s Wait For You series. It seems as though with each ne...
YA Fanatic
YA Fanatic rated it 10 years ago
When I checked this out I didn't realize that it was the same story as Wait For You but in Cam's perspective. I probably wouldn't have read all of it if I had originally known that. I did like it but its just as long if not longer and I think would have been better if it had been in the same book wi...
Valarauco rated it 10 years ago
CoverAuf dem Cover von Wait for you ist ein Mädchen zu sehen, welches ich Kinn direkt am Hals eines jungen Mannes aufstützt und seinen Geruch einzuatmen scheint. Man sieht viele Details, zum Beispiel die feinen Härchen am Halse des jungen Mannes oder seinen Bartschatten. Mir gefällt das Cover sehr g...
YA Fanatic
YA Fanatic rated it 10 years ago
The first New Adult book I've actually LOVED. Stay With Me is my first NA of Armentrout's and naturally I loved every minute of it. It is the third in a series, which I did not know until finishing it. Thankfully it didn't make a difference while reading it but I have already put the rest of the ser...
YA Fanatic
YA Fanatic rated it 10 years ago
After reading Stone Cold Touch I just wanted to read more by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Yes, I'm a little obsessed. This is my first of her new adult books and I actually quite enjoyed it. Its not a very unique story but its fun, hot, and the perfect length - only just over 100 pages but really doesn't...
TheBookDisciple rated it 10 years ago
While I am a little over the whole man whore meets virgin scenario, this was still good. The story was interesting and a little different that the previous books in the series. I liked the slightly darker turn-more dangerous.
Howdy YAL!
Howdy YAL! rated it 10 years ago
After Be With Me I vowed I’d never buy another J Lynn (Jennifer L Armentrout’s New Adult books) again. They just weren’t really doing it for me. But hey if the library has a copy and the summary is halfway interesting, I’ll give it a chance. Result: Better than Be With Me, but the title could’v...
Szusteczka rated it 10 years ago
Przyznaję, iż od jakiegoś czasu zostałam fanką romansów młodzieżowych, a także gatunku New Adult. Kiedy zobaczyłam bogatą ofertę tych książek na stronie Wydawnictwa Amber, moje oczy zaświeciły się z radości. Ja, miłośniczka fantastyki, kryminałów i thrillerów, uczciwie wyznaję, że stało się to moją ...
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