I remember reading this story at my grandmother’s house when I was little. I was thrilled to see this novel at a sale at the library so I quickly grabbed it, paid my dollar and now it is added to my own library. I didn’t even have to open the novel to remember anything about the book. I remembered...
This book was published in 1954 and is about all two billion people in the world doing the same thing at once. It has a moral, too.
I really like this book and so did my kids. It's a strait-forward kid-friendly version of the Lewis and Clark expedition told through the lens of the journals done by the two explorers. It covers the challenges and hardships in both directions. It seemed to be pretty objective in that it didn't h...
And, at last, I dared to read Daniel Boone. It’s a story full of wicked Indians and good-guy white settlers, full of killing and attacking. You can almost see Daniel’s halo and the devil horns of the Indians as you read the story. It is told in the vernacular of Daugherty’s time and it is undoubtedl...