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I picked this up not realizing it is an in-between novella. I decided to give it a go anyways. I'm glad I did. I might not know backstories, but the characters were cool enough that I want to read the whole series now. I need to know if Snake gets his 'just desserts'. Yup, a quick little read that p...
Jason Miller’s Sex, Sorcery and Spirit the Secrets of Erotic Magic is an interesting and captivating way to practice the art of breathing. Through bold and straightforward language, Miller gives a practical spin on the mysterious art of sex magick. Sex, Sorcery and Spirit the Secrets of Erotic Magic...
“And for sixty-flve dollars, too.” Anci rolled her eyes. “Oh, I know. Usually, you get kicked in the head for free. Why not try it for money this time? Besides, this is your chance to do a good deed, pile up some karma.” “You can’t eat karma, darlin’..” “No, but it can eat you.” I re...
Taking place sometime after Dead Don't Bother Me, Slim's night of Scrabble with his daughter, Anci is interrupted by his friend, Jeep and a former co-worker, Snake. Don't you just love the names of these characters? Anyway, since leaving the coal mines, Snake has made a little money here and there...
She was about my age, early forties, though I had to look at her hands to tell it. She was good-looking, too. Good-looking is putting it mildly, maybe. I looked around vaguely for a priest to strangle. She was tall and lean, with the kind of green eyes a lazy novelist would describe as "piercing." H...