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Jennifer Lane
Romance, Sports, Suspense
Jennifer Lane's Books
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bookishwanderlove rated it 10 years ago
**Originally posted on Bookish Wanderlove.**"As I plopped down on the bleachers and scanned my new teammates around me, one word came to mind: heaven. I wasn't the tallest girl in the gym for the first time in my eighteen years on earth."It is actually so hard to write a review for this book without...
Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, inc. -> RockChickFairy
This book reads like a movie.I actually feel like I've watched a movie like She's the man, Freaky Friday, Lizzie McGuire or A Cinderella story.Don't get me wrong, this book has a way different plot from those movies, but the feeling while and after reading it? Close enough. They make you feel happy ...
Literary, etc
Literary, etc rated it 11 years ago
Grant Madsen and Sophie Taylor have been burned by the same people and they don’t even know it! Both have been recently released from prison and are prepared to put their stint in the system behind; however, the past has a way of catching up. When Sophie meets Grant outside their parole officer’s do...
The Neverending Reader Reviews
The Neverending Reader Reviews rated it 12 years ago
What a roller coaster! Sometimes it seemed like the book would never end and sometimes it seemed too much but having finally completed reading it I appreciate that there was such resolution to the entire story. All the pieces finally fit together and I even shed a tear which hasn't happened in awhil...
CarolOates rated it 12 years ago
Jennifer Lane really knows her stuff when it comes to the world of competitive swimming, a fact that allows her to easily drop the reader into her stories set around the subject.What starts out as a simple college recruitment trip turns into an eye-opening experience for teenager, Abby Donahue. The ...
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