Following a party with friends, twenty-year-old Jill Hamilton finds herself wrongly arrested for being a common prostitute and soliciting to the public… Daughter of a well-known and wealthy stockbroker, Jill finds herself locked up with other criminals. Instantly, she is awakened to the harsh...
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Following a party with friends, twenty-year-old Jill Hamilton finds herself wrongly arrested for being a common prostitute and soliciting to the public… Daughter of a well-known and wealthy stockbroker, Jill finds herself locked up with other criminals. Instantly, she is awakened to the harsh realities of life, having lived a life of pure luxury in her father’s mansion in Regent’s Park. Unable to share her humiliating experience with her parents, hoping they’ll never find out, Jill turns to their loyal butler, Churchman. If there was anyone she could count on, it was Churchman. Him and her doctor friend, Noel Graham. With their help, the charges are dropped, but Percy Rankin has other plans…Percy makes a living selling stories to less reputable newspapers and unfortunately for Jill, he’s about to turn her life upside down. Present in the courtroom as Jill’s charges are dropped, Percy is not convinced of her innocence. He knows there’s more to this story…and he will make sure he is the first to get the story to print. The shame is too much for Jill. But things come to a head when Noel acts in her defence and finds himself arrested and imprisoned. Determined to overcome the shame and experience real life, Jill sets out to carve a new life for herself, whilst her friend undertaker Joe finds himself falling in love with her. Embarking on a career, along with living adjustments, Jill comes face to face with the life most people know. She will not let the media destroy her own life…but can she help the other lives affected by a simple error in judgement? And with whom does her heart really lie? Jill Fell Down is a tale about love, betrayal and embracing independence. Praise for Jerrard Tickell ‘…an eye for the adventure and drama… and often uncommon courage. Good.” – Kirkus Reviews ‘There is room for more authors of this quality.’ – The Daily Telegraph Jerrard Tickell was born in Dublin and wrote his first book at just 18. He was a member of the Royal Army Service Corps. His official duties took him all over the world including Egypt and practically every port in the Near East. His books, a number of which have been made into successful movies, include Moon Squadron, Island Rescue, and Hussar Honeymoon . He now lives with his wife Renée Haynes, the daughter of E.S.P. Haynes and Oriana Huxley Waller, and three sons in London.
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