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and then it just seemed to go sideways for me. To me this was a story about second chances seeking forgiveness and at the start of things that's what it felt like and than it just turned into this story about a guy recovering from a serious injury and it was all very sweet but seemed ...
and the rest as they say is history... Tucker Williams is in New York for a showing of his work one find winters day and as he stands on the steps of the midtown library who should appear but one Calvin McIntire. Tucker and Calvin are drawn to each other and their attraction is strong...yes, that...
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book. I love, I mean, absolutely ADORE this box sets! You come across authors that you never heard of, read about people you need more of, and wile away the best part of a Saturday morning in pure bliss. 9 shorts, and I read 8 h...
3.5 starsI was waffling on a 3 or 4 star rating. We finally got where I was expecting this series to go all along, but I was a bit disappointed in the way it was so easy. Noah's biggest fear was basically coming to pass and there was never any tension or angst. I understand his feelings regarding...
This one is not for me... DNF at 40%I can actually say I was pretty bored... If the BDSM relationship is the only thing between a couple it gets pretty dull after a while. I want me some more romance to go with the kink.