John Dryden
Birth date: August 19, 1631
Died: May 12, 1700
John Dryden's Books
Roughly 1800 years ago, a biographer and historian decided to compare the great men of Greece and Rome to one another to give his readers inspiration to follow their example or what to avoid. Parallel Lives by Plutarch chronicles the lives of the greatest men of the ancient world and the times they...
My Square Markers and "Virgin" Bingo Card: "Virgin" card posted for ease of tracking and comparison. Black Kitty:Read but not called Black Vignette:Called but not read Black Kitty in Black Vignette:Read and Called Black Kitty Center Square: Read = Called Current Status of Spr...
A satiric poem that illustrates a King and his son’s lack of virtue to rule. Here Dryden is actually referring to one of his friend Shadwell as king’s son and making fun of him. Although fun to read and laughable at times but the mock-heroic satire seems childish to me. Since Dryden has tried to mak...
This is often known as the "Parallel Lives" because these biographical sketches come in pairs, one Greek, one Roman, followed by a comparison. This is a thick tome. My edition of Plutarch's Lives as translated by Dryden is nearly 800 pages. And yes, I read the whole thing and was never bored. Maybe ...
The second volume is not much different than the first. It plods along with a mixture of anecdote and military campaigns through lands long since renamed and against generals most of whom are familiar to only those with a Masters or above in Classical Studies. Footnotes and endnotes are nonexisten...