Journey to Friendship: A Memoir: A young minister discovers service and love in America's Bicentennial, 1976
A novice minister and his wife discover the challenges of church vocation, the intrigues of starting a family, and the joys of building faith in this light-hearted memoir. Set in 1976, America’s tumultuous Bicentennial year, the easy-to-read story follows the young couple growing up in the late...
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A novice minister and his wife discover the challenges of church vocation, the intrigues of starting a family, and the joys of building faith in this light-hearted memoir. Set in 1976, America’s tumultuous Bicentennial year, the easy-to-read story follows the young couple growing up in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, embarking on newlywed adventures and launching careers in education and church leadership. The author unfolds a journey of both miles and meaning that spans the Midwestern towns of Joplin (MO), Shawnee (OK), Ft. Worth, (TX), Friendship (WI) and Beaver (OK). His story of self-discovery offers readers an enjoyable retrospective on a special era in America, as well as insight on the work of God through every age.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publish date: 2016-07-01
Publisher: JourneyStrong Christian Ministry
Pages no: 164
Edition language: English