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Kissed by Darkness (Sunwalker Saga #1) - Shéa MacLeod
Kissed by Darkness (Sunwalker Saga #1)
by: (author)
3.00 10
Format: ebook
ISBN: 2940011387883 (0011387882)
Publisher: Shea MacLeod, via Smashwords
Pages no: 280
Edition language: English
Series: Sunwalker Saga (#1)
Community Reviews
bunn3hh4x rated it
2.0 Kissed by Darkness (Sunwalker Saga)
Erratic and jumpy. Almost felt like a bunch of random subplots were tossed ontop of the main plot which was kind of average on its own. It was an ok read but after some of the previous books I had finished this one just seemed like a let down. I may borrow the other two using my prime membership to ...
Feelingfictional rated it
Since surviving a vampire attack several years ago Morgan has developed some new abilities that make her a perfect vampire hunter. Now working for her friends PI firm she spends her time killing vampires and demons to keep the human population safe and unaware of the danger surrounding them. Her lat...
Ami's Hoard
Ami's Hoard rated it
3.5 starsAs world-building goes, this one is nice. The jargons are not too difficult to follow. Nightwalkers are Vampires, Sunwalkers are those who can walk in the sun, a different kind of vampires, so to speak. In this world, Morgan is a hunter, who discovers that she has a new power, that relates ...
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