“The Holiday Collection” is the second anthology of short stories from the Indie Eclective: A group of nine authors crossing genres. These holiday-themed stories range from serious to humorous, and all express the sentiments of the season in their own “Eclective” way. In many traditions, the...
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“The Holiday Collection” is the second anthology of short stories from the Indie Eclective: A group of nine authors crossing genres. These holiday-themed stories range from serious to humorous, and all express the sentiments of the season in their own “Eclective” way. In many traditions, the cold of winter is perfect for curling up and spending time with family. We cordially invite you to spend some time with ours. (Curling up is optional.)Alan Nayes—St. ClawsEver made a wish? Ever wished you hadn't wished what you wished? Matt Haskel has.Lizzy Ford—Snow WhisperersWinter brings the holidays…and snowmen, the quick-witted snow creatures that drive Sandy crazy every year. Until one is turned into a human—and tries to win her over.Julia Crane—Saving GraceGrace is an Empath with a problem—she’s chosen to work for the largest department store in New York City during the holiday season. Dealing with other people’s issues has destroyed her sense of the Christmas spirit, until a chance encounter with a special boy changes her mind.M. Edward McNally—O Cactus Tree, O Cactus Tree"How beautiful thy...green arms full of prickly spikes."P.J. Jones—Fred’s Best ChristmasFred’s determined not to let mental illness stand in the way of his ‘best Christmas’. When painful childhood memories threaten to ruin his day, will his friends be able to help him overcome his fears?Talia Jager—Fresh SnowOrphaned and alone, Chloe is hit by a car on Christmas Eve. What she doesn't know, is the woman who did it needs love as much as Chloe. Together, they will remember the true meaning of family and Christmas. Shéa MacLeod—Let’s RideZala Lei's bid to stop a dangerous criminal leads her to Omicron 5 and a very special box of surprises. She can only hope that what she finds in the box is enough to stop evil in its Santa posing tracks.Jack Wallen—A Very Shero ChristmasDickens gets a smack upside the face with a size-12 Blahnik in A Very Shero Christmas.Heather Marie Adkins—The Darkest NightBefore there was Christmas, there was Yule—the Winter Solstice. For modern-day witch Mena McGinty, it may still be the season of rebirth, or at least second chances.
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