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La conversione dell'Europa. Dal paganesimo al cristianesimo 371-1386 d.C. - Richard Fletcher, Stefano Di Marino
La conversione dell'Europa. Dal paganesimo al cristianesimo 371-1386 d.C.
by: (author) (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788850203840 (8850203845)
Publisher: TEA
Edition language: Italian
Community Reviews
To Shoot or Not to Shoot
To Shoot or Not to Shoot rated it
5.0 The Conversion of Europe
Heavyweight read, but oh so brilliant. The subtitle is 'From Paganism to Christianity 371-1386AD' and it really does that - gives you a picture of 1000 years with a framework to interpret it.
Books by Richard Fletcher
Books by Stefano Di Marino
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