In 1979 Muddy River, a small provincial Chinese city, the Gu family struggles to deal with the imminent loss of their daughter, Gu Shan, about to be executed as a counterrevolutionary, while their neighbors--crippled Nini, lazy Bashi, seven-year-old Tong,Title: Las puertas del paraiso / The...
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In 1979 Muddy River, a small provincial Chinese city, the Gu family struggles to deal with the imminent loss of their daughter, Gu Shan, about to be executed as a counterrevolutionary, while their neighbors--crippled Nini, lazy Bashi, seven-year-old Tong,Title: Las puertas del paraiso / The VagrantsAuthor: Li, Yiyun/ De Dios, Laura Martin (TRN)Publisher: Random House MondadoriPublication Date: 2010/02/01Number of Pages: 409Binding Type: HARDCOVERLibrary of Congress:
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