Latter-Day of the Dead
Format: paperback
Publish date: March 10th 2012
Publisher: SpiralBound Publishing
Edition language: English
I picked up Latter-Day of the Dead after reading a fantastic review by Kayla at Bibliophilia, Please. Plus, it's a zombie story set in a polygamist community - two things that really grab my interest - zombies and religious cults.As well as being a zombie story, Latter-Day of the Dead is an intimiat...
Review originally posted at Bibliophilia, PleaseLatter-Day of the Dead is Kevin Krohn’s latest novel, which is the fictional first person account of a zombie outbreak on an isolated compound of radical Mormons. It is a thrilling horror novel that is aimed at a mature audience.Elias is the doctor in ...
Earlier this month I was approached by the author, Kevin Krohn and asked to review his book. At first I thought, "Dang it why this month! I have no time..." then I opened the e-mail and read this:"...It is horror/thriller...and I saw you have a Zombie section! A brief description would be that it i...