In her hilarious and poignant novel, Meera Syal has created an indelible portrait of a close-knit group of Indian women living in London. Caught between two cultures, three childhood friends - Chila, Sunita, and Tania are expected to revert to being obedient mothers and wives. But their...
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In her hilarious and poignant novel, Meera Syal has created an indelible portrait of a close-knit group of Indian women living in London. Caught between two cultures, three childhood friends - Chila, Sunita, and Tania are expected to revert to being obedient mothers and wives. But their world explodes when Tania makes a documentary, starring Chila and Sunita, about contemporary urban Indian life. The result is an unforgettable story of friendships, marriage, betrayal, and the difficult choices women face.Author Biography: Meera Syal, a British-born Indian, is a writer and actress. Her first novel, Anita and Me, won a Betty Trask award and was short-listed for the Guardian Fiction Prize. She lives in London.
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