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Maira Kalman - Community Reviews back

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Butterfly Kisses
Butterfly Kisses rated it 12 years ago
Un 2,5 en realidadY por eso rompimos es un libro entretenido y ameno, perfecto para una tarde sin nada que hacer. Una historia que nos hará recordar nuestro primer amor o nuestro primer desengaño amoroso, pero que tampoco es que contenga una historia de esas que perdurarán en nuestra mente tiempo de...
Book-ish Fantasies
Book-ish Fantasies rated it 12 years ago
It's hilarious, it's real-life relationship dilemma. It's first love yet it's also why Ed and Min broke up. It showed me the wonders of film, criminy, as Ed said it was. But now I realized even if love can change a thing about Ed, or anyone else, maybe even enjoying the "different" side he thought w...
Mandafofanda Reads Lots
Mandafofanda Reads Lots rated it 12 years ago
This book plays a cruel, cruel trick on your heart. I went in knowing what to expect, then slowly started to fall and hope and wish and second-guess with all the optimism in the world... It's kind of like the YA book version of 500 Days of Summer - it captures the initial rush of first meeting, the ...
AMindNeedsBooks rated it 12 years ago
I'm not entirely certain on my rating of this yet, I'm thinking 3.5 stars.Full Review here: http://donnareadsbooks.tumblr.com/post/52785316498/why-we-broke-up-review
Always Carry a Book!
Always Carry a Book! rated it 12 years ago
I actually really enjoyed this book. The storyline was simple, nothing unexpected ever happened, we’re even informed at the beginning of where the story is headed and what will happen. But it kept me reading all the same because the journey toward the two protagonists breakup was just so captivating...
A girl and her books
A girl and her books rated it 12 years ago
3.5 estrellas para ser precisos. Libro que te deja con ese saborcito agridulce después de terminarlo. Lo odias pero al mismo tiempo te encanta. Triste pero dulce. En fin la vida misma y el amor "Eterno" en su máxima expresión (y duración, 2 meses). No hay mucho para decir, me gustó y mucho. Creo que...
clockworkserenity rated it 12 years ago
Reading this book is like watching a car accident. You see it coming, but you can’t prevent it. In retrospect we see all the reasons a relationship came to an end, but during the relationship we just assume things will get better. We push things to the back of our minds; ignore the obvious, but ofte...
Admitted Dilettante
Admitted Dilettante rated it 12 years ago
be sure you read the edition illustrated by Kalman, makes it more real, less "worthy"
The Girl Who'll Read Anything
The Girl Who'll Read Anything rated it 12 years ago
What I really like about this book is the cruelty of the truth about their relationship. It's like, it's there (truth) but as most women would be blinded by the love they're currently feeling, they can't see or are not able to see what's lying beneath there. This is a good book! Considering that a g...
I'm a reader, hear me roar!
I'm a reader, hear me roar! rated it 12 years ago
I feel devastated for Min. Why do boys sometimes be like that to girls? Why do they behave that way? I'm crying for Min.Min is a one-of-a-kind girl, I would say. I didn't like her from the beginning, but she sure did grow on me. She is a bright and funny and lovable character. I loved how she was co...
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