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I take it all back -- every hesitation I've expressed over the last couple of weeks -- this episode fixed everything. Well, no, not really. But man, it's close enough to justify a little hyperbole. This has none of the weaknesses or shortcomings of the last couple of episodes -- there's some good ...
Argh. I just don't know what to say here -- clearly, this should've posted on Friday, but I only got one sentence down that I didn't delete. This is only posting today because I didn't let myself cut anything. This episode is too short, I think. When I consider everything I want to complain about, i...
After Kris' trial the dust is setting and this episode is bit slower than the last. While it wraps up several outstanding questions from the last episode, it also broadens and expands into new storylines, now that Kris has made it to be a Warden.There was a bit too much exposition for my liking but ...
After all the excitement last week, we get a little bit of a breather here as we see some of the fallout from what happened in Kris' trials. Michiko has to answer to Lavinia for the way things went against Kris and she finally updates her ancestors on the same events. Not for the first time, I wonde...
The world has evolved where we have distributed governments based on population densities of 100K called Centenals. In large cities you may only need to walk a block to change governments. Elections are held once every 10 years and it's election time. And someone is trying to manipulate the outcom...