This is the eighth episode in the first season of Born to the Blade, an eleven-episode serial from Serial Box. This episode is written by Malka Older. Refugees from Rumika are starting to trickle in to the neutral sky island of Twaa-Fei, victims of the growing skirmishes with Quloo. The two...
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This is the eighth episode in the first season of Born to the Blade, an eleven-episode serial from Serial Box. This episode is written by Malka Older.
Refugees from Rumika are starting to trickle in to the neutral sky island of Twaa-Fei, victims of the growing skirmishes with Quloo. The two nations' brief alliance has been shattered by the mysterious attack on the first trade convoy between them, and the rest of the nations of the sky are rapidly being drawn into a dispute that seems all but inevitable to explode into war. Rumika's warder, Kris Denn, is trying desperately to find allies, but they are being rebuffed by their counterparts at every turn. Everyone, it seems, is waiting to see which way the winds will blow. A young pirate, Anton, has found a survivor of the fleet attack, but is struggling to decide what to do with her — and with the knowledge she has. Meanwhile, the war is escalating, with a brazen attack on Rumika by Quloo, stealing an entire uninhabited island. And on Twaa-Fei, the refugee situation is threatening to burn everything down.
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