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Marie Antoinette: Princesse autrichienne à Versailles, 1769-1771 - Kathryn Lasky
Marie Antoinette: Princesse autrichienne à Versailles, 1769-1771
by: (author)
4.00 5
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9782070511563 (2070511561)
Publisher: Gallimard Jeunesse
Pages no: 220
Edition language: French
Series: The Royal Diaries
Community Reviews
Jennavier rated it
A different perspective then many you'll find in a history book, Lasky humanizes the oft maligned Queen by portraying her early years.
Flying Kick-a-pow!
Flying Kick-a-pow! rated it
i didn't like this one very much ... it's been years since i read this, but i remember that marie antoinette bugged the heck out of me. she was really stuck up and annoying. of course, now that i've learned about the french revolution in history class, i see that she was kinda like that in real life...
Books by Kathryn Lasky
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